Thursday, December 3, 2009

Restoring The Family Dothan Al. Thanksgiving weekened

Anita Dawkins, Rev. AL Rev. Al, Mayor Vickie Moore Daris, Rev. Al, Pas. Glasgow

This is Restoring the Family
Rev. Al Sharpton Jr.,
Pastor Kenneth Glasgow,
and Dr. Joy
Brothers and sister who haven't been together in 20 years.

Fantasy Ball Dec. 12, 2009 Dothan Al.

T.O.P.S. Fantasy Ball

For Our Shining Stars

The Ordinary People Society Youth Dept. is in need of old, new, and/or used Prom & Pageant Gowns. SHOES!

We also need Tuxedos and Suits for young males.

A Christmas Moment to Remember.

We are asking all Churches, Schools, Organizations, and Businesses to please help

DONATE for this event.

This Event will take place two weeks before Christmas on Saturday Dec. 12th at Evergreen Plaza @ 7.00p.m. until

We would like to be prepared before that time.

Some of our youth cannot experience this type of Fantasy and Glamour, so as the National Youth Coordinator of T.O.P.S. I'm reaching out to the public to help donate and sponsor!

For all our surrounding youth!

Let's give them something to Remember!

All sizes are needed!!!
National Youth Coordinator Daris Johnson
