Thursday, February 25, 2010

Houston County Alabma Democratic Conference

I would love to get the Houston County Alabama Democratic Conference to pick the lottery or the right card is what some would say after checking the record of the Houston County ADC.
For the past three elections the Houston County ADC has picked and endorsed the winning candidates for these three elections. For over 50 years they have been the voice of the people when it comes to the political arena. From drawing lines and political districts to picking and endorsing the winning candidates, ADC has been the political organization for the people.
Lead by it's Chairman Dr. Earl Jones this organization is definitely in the process of training and preparing those who will be working throughout the county and the whole Second Congressional District in which Dr. Jones is the Chairman of it to.
Many Elected Officials will tell you that the ADC has been very impactful on their elections into office and their careers.
The Second Congressional District and Houston County ADC both led by Chairman Dr. Earl Jones has asked all local leaders to come together to see the report cards, acts and reports of our elected officials.
Get with the winners, who pick and endorse the winners who represent you. I'm glad to be on the winning team, how about you!

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