Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Formerly Incarcerated Convicted People & Families Movement, TOPS, and others get ready for the upcoming election

The Formerly Incarcerated Convicted People and Families Movement (FICPFM), in partnership with The Ordinary People Society (T.O.P.S.)—the oldest and longest-standing organization advocating for Criminal Justice, Disenfranchised Voting Rights, and Prisoner Rights—proudly announces the launch of the Let My People Vote campaign!

As the trademark owners of both FICPFM and Let My People Vote, T.O.P.S. joins forces with organizers inside federal prisons, including Pastor Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow (the Founder, currently in federal custody), Travis Etienne, and Elmer Jones, the new Chairman and Co-Chairman of FICPFM. We are calling on our families, friends, and supporters to cast their votes in this and future elections as we work toward the ultimate goal of amending the exception clause of the 13th Amendment. This clause currently allows for involuntary servitude and/or slavery as punishment for felony convictions.

Every incarcerated person has at least 2-5 people who support them. Together, this adds up to 5-10 million potential voters, people who can go to the polls and make their voices heard on our behalf. Right now, we are treated not as second-chance citizens, but as second-class citizens with our rights stripped away. Voting can help change that.

Be the Hope for the Vote! Currently, five states allow incarcerated individuals to vote: Maine, Vermont, Washington D.C., Alabama, and Mississippi (depending on the nature of their felony convictions). For those in other states, we urge family members, supporters, and friends to vote for their loved ones in this election. Now that both the DNC and RNC have declared their candidates, it’s crucial that the voices of the people are heard—especially those incarcerated. If people with felony records can run for the highest office in the country, those incarcerated should also have their voices included in the democratic process.

For more information, please contact:

Rodreshia Glasgow, Executive Director 334-547--1763
Walter James Coordinator 334-561-8230 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Our First Lady President

Being a woman myself that has had to hold up, represent, and salvage. The oldest existing criminal justice, voting rights and prisoner rights organization in the world T.O.P.S. The Ordinary People Society. I am proud to see Kamala Harris even being considered for the Democratic nominee for President. I was appalled to see that they still allowed Trump to continue as a candidate with 34 felony convictions. The way the Republican party vehemently went against my Husband when he won the lawsuit against the state of Alabama ( Glasgow vs State of Alabama). In 2008 that allows people with felony convictions to vote in and out or prison. Then also when he got with Secretary of State John Merrell and got the crimes of moral turpetude defined in 2017. Now we have a bill that is trying to add more felonies to a list of moral turpetude crimes that has long been defined by my Husband years ago. But here 30 years later for T.O.P.S. being founded, seeing the same people that spoke so ugly and dehumanizing to people with felony convictions. To accept a person that has 34 felonies to run for the highest office in America 😮 is shocking. Or is it? 

Maybe it's just exposing our system that has been double standardized throughout history. Let's take a real hard look at the basis for all these draconian laws in the first place. When I talk to my husband who is incarcerated in Federal prison at this time. He tells me that he has met some very interesting friends. That we would call January 6ers, but he now calls them, fellow people with convictions. He said that they tell him everyday how they apologize to him for going against him. How they thought that all the stories he use to tell people about on his radio show Pastor Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow " It Is RAW ". They thought he was lying, and just speaking alot of falsehoods about how the system is. They would then tell him honestly that they actually felt like, and knew without a doubt, that all those laws were made for black folks, not for them. My husband said his reply was, that if we would have been black folks going up to that capitol, what do you think would have happened? But the bigger question is are you all willing to tell your families and friends the truth now that it has happened to y'all to? They said they are more than ready to do so. 

I grew up in Seattle Washington with more white people than black. We didn't see any color there. We just seen people. When I came here I noticed a drastic change, but mostly toward black men. Now I see it more towards black women than ever before. Especially since Kamala Harris has been suggested for the Democratic nominee for President.  I have son's and daughter's that I love, cherish  and adore. I have talked to my older sons and so has their father. Not only warning them but making them aware of their actions should they ever get stopped by the police. My husband has been amazing as a father teaching our children all of his rights and wrongs to give them a very rounded view of this world. Our family is mixed with all colors you can name. And with me being a dark skinned Black woman, I am very careful in teaching my children how to treat other human beings.

However when my 9 year old daughter, and 14 year old son. Not to mention my other children ask me why are people talking against us like that. Why is it different for our black people than our white friends. Why is our Father and other people in prison for helping people, while Mr Trump has 34 felonies and running for president.

 If this world is like this now Moma, then what will they be doing to us? The problem is that I have to tell my children the truth. THAT ITS ALREADY HAPPENING TO THEM! They are already affected by these laws and critical race theories, 504's and private education for some and no support and resources for others. I have to tell them the truth when they see a woman call the police for help and she gets shot in the face by the police.

Somebody said that America is not ready for a Woman President. But when the guy that is running brags that he is the  one that took away Roe vs Wade, and we are in the post wake of Breanna Taylor and the present wake of Sonya Massey Along with all those in between Sean Bell, Travon Martin and George Floyd. Yes I KNOW that we are ready for a woman President, and some motherly love and compassion.

Written by 

Rodreshia Russaw Sharpton Glasgow

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Movement Serendipity

 As we approach The 57th annual Bridge Crossing Jubilee. The dates have been set for March 2023. The event that marks the protest for Voting Rights and Bloody Sunday that happened on the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma Ala. in 1965. It also represents some unknown but very important dates such as the 10 year anniversary of the Free Alabama Movement ( Alabama Prison Strikes that went across the nation), Nathaniel Woods memorial, 20 year anniversary of Let My People Vote, the 19th year of Formerly & Currently Incarcerated People Movement, 22nd and 29th year of TOPS- The Ordinary People Society and the 16th year of the Prodigal Child Project. 

With all that in mind this Jubilee annual Backwards March for those Formerly and Currently Incarcerated who was left behind during the Civil Rights Movement. Will move their time from walking across the bridge backwards right before the annual Jubilee Bloody Sunday March to Saturday the day before. It will be held from 4-6pm on Saturday March 4th with a bridge crossing, a die in, rally and memorial at the Montgomery side of the bridge in front of the National Jubilee office. So that it can express its purpose and platform. Coupled with those organizers on the inside. Pastor Kenneth Sharpton Glasgow will actually walk from Selma to Montgomery to end up at the Alabama Capitol steps on Monday March 7th to join with other leaders and organizations addressing the deaths that has occurred since the DOJ lawsuit against the ADOC for inhumane and unconstitutional treatment. 

This is in hopes of highlighting the deaths of all those in ADOC, the continuation of Slavery even though it has been Voted out of the Alabama Constitution on Nov. 8 election. We want to know how does the Federal Constitution contradict itself and nothing is being done about it. With the 8th and 13 amendments contradicting eachother. How come the DOJ has had a lawsuit against the ADOC for the past 2 almost 3 years and still nothing has been done while the death rate in ADOC continues to rise daily. No Parole or relief of any kind, with a band aid being put on an open laceration with the release of approximately 400 people that will be released this year anyway. But not addressing the problems that exist causing these deaths, suffering, and inhumane treatment. 

We are Calling for all Americans, People and Fellow Citizens to help us start the healing process and join #OperationHealing 

For the Bible says that I was hungry you didn’t feed me, thirsty, sick and in Prison and you didn’t visit me. 

That visit in the Hebrew means to administer to the needs there of. The Bible also says when you have not done this unto the least of these you have not done it unto me. So if those incarcerated are close to God. They should be close to us and we like God should feel like when they’re doing it to them. We should all be like Jesus and feel like they are doing it to me. 

Join us in ending Slavery not only in word but also in deed. In stopping these inexcusable deaths, this inhumane treatment, these over bearing and unconstitutional sentences, and mass incarceration. 

Join #OperationHealing and meet us at the Selma Bridge March 4th 4-6pm 

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Alabama mass prison release shows TOPS work paying off

 As the oldest existing Criminal Justice, Voting Rights, Prisoner Rights organization in existence since 1994. 

TOPS-The Ordinary People Society 

Is very happy to see all the work of all of you, doing rallies, phone calls, protests, marches, strikes and social media. 

Has paid off. 

Any win, any victory is a victory and should be celebrated as such. 

Herschel Gatson just reminded me yesterday of an old ancient proverb; that says if you want to move a mountain. You have to move the Little Rocks first. 

Now we must go the extra mile and make sure that all those released are being taken care of. 

With that being said if we can give any advice, help, or just share our experience in reentry or whatever. Just please do not hesitate to call. 

But whatever we do, let’s not stop. This is just a small rock and we are trying to move this mountain. Called mass incarceration, criminal justice, slavery, free labor, inhumane treatment of our loved ones. 

Now I will meet you all at the Bridge on Saturday March 4th @ 4pm 

Selma Alabama 

This is our time y’all 

Put away your differences 

Remember this is about the Movement and that’s those INSIDE  






#Formerly&Currently Incarcerated People Movement 


Monday, January 2, 2023


 Stay tuned for our new reporter/blogger Kenyetta Rich Glasgow, who’s also our assistant Executive Director. She will be coming to you daily with TOPS current events.